Saturday, December 27, 2008

The facade of REALity shows...

I had exhausted all my collection of Prison Break & HIMYM in first 4 days of my term-break. Dammit 160GB drive. Not a big fan of television, I thought beggars have little to choose; I succumbed to the idiot-box & started surfing channels. Not to my surprise, I could not find anything interesting. Somehow I tuned into MTV and happened to watch "Roadies 6.0". To my dismay, it turned out to be even more rubbish than I thought.
No offence to Roadies fan, but I simply can not appreciate even iota of the crap that goes during the auditions or the game-show for that matter. First of all, what the hell makes junta believe that their coolness quotient is directly proportional to how cheap,mean & callous they can prove themselves in the auditions.Aint there any difference between self-obsessed, snobbish and a fella with ATTITUDE.To me its only a bunch of bandars dancing to tunes of a madaari and entertaining the rest of junta.Oh BTW what are the Madaari's (Raghu) credentials? Even if some of them make into the game, it only gets dirty and treacherous as it goes on. In which part of this world would you call a guy who can slap a girl just because someone says him to do so a tough, courageous and a raring fellow (correct me if so called "Roadie" is not meant to be like this)? Yes the guy who did exactly the same, won Roadies 5.0
Another popular reality show "The Big Boss" is only a motley lot of losers competing for a crore of rupees at the end of the ordeal. What does it take to win the show? Not even a modicum of knowledge, skill, intelligence or talent. Contestants are chosen on their notoriety quotient. Ofcourse the canny producers believe that higher the contestants score on notoriety meter, the more eyeballs they attract. Rahul Mahajan, Raja Choudhary, Monica Bedi: Are these the people whom we wanna know better, whom we try to imitate?
MTV splitsvilla: beautiful ladies trying to impress 2 guys (yeah I am jealous :P). What purpose such kind of a reality show serve? And the list of such shows goes on...Again I am not a fan of Ekta Kapoor but beleive me I do not hesitate saying that these "Saas Bahu" soaps are atleast better watch than such stupid reality shows.
However I totally subscribe to the shows that help in finding out & nurturing the talent. Although even in such shows the contestants judging the audience's emotional expectations and cleverly playing to the gallery emerges on the top, but atleast it does take some talent & skills to reach that stage.
Reality shows got to serve some purpose, be it nurturing the talent or making people acquainted to a celebrity.I really hope producers of reality shows do think twice before airing such shows.